The Final Front

The Hoplite is a mid to long ranged assault vehicle designed to initiate fights and force favorable engagements. Hoplites will force lightly armored Hussars in particular to think twice before engaging as a capable Hoplite can shred through their light armor in short order.
Primary weapon: Machine gun with some tracking for enemies under the tanks reticle within a range of about 600m. The machine gun will likely cause structural damage should it hit any vehicle and most structures.
Secondary weapon: Powerful long range cannon that explodes on impact damaging nearby player vehicles or structures. It self destructs after a few seconds limiting it's range to around 1000m, however this range is impacted by the current speed of the tank. Once fired it needs a few seconds to charge back up before it will be able to fire again, and once ready to fire it will need more time before it's able to fire at it's maximum strength.
Special ability: Jump that propels the vehicle directly upward relative to its current rotation.

The Hussar, while relatively weakly armored, is exceptionally agile and capable of surmounting terrain the other two vehicles can not. It's designed for guerilla-style attacks along with reconnaissance. Hussars excel at short range skirmishes particularly against Arbalests.
Primary weapon: Nano-Guided bolts home in on a given target within about 300m until imbedding themselves in the targets hull on impact. When 5 have been imbedded in a vehicle or structure they will reach critical mass and explode, significantly damaging the object they were stuck in. If unexploded they provide vision of that object for 1 minute.
Secondary weapon: Laser that will create a small spherical distortion on impact with any object preventing vision potentially for enemy players. If the laser focuses on the same spot for multiple seconds the distortion will grow until becoming unstable and collapsing resulting in all vehicles nearby getting pulled to this location.
Special ability: Invisibility drive that allows the Hussar to sneak up on opponents or move unnoticed through hostile territory. Turrets will still be able to detect the unit. The field causes the vision of the Hussar to be significantly blurred, though it's radar isn't effected.

The Arbalest is a mobile missile launcher system. It holds a virtually endless supply of missiles which makes it large, slow and difficult to maneuver effectively. However, its long range missiles moves very fast, enabling detection and sieging of bases from extraordinary distances and proves to be very difficult for enemy tanks to respond to especially. Furthermore, its flak shotgun and grav-grenades can provide some ability to defend itself at close range.
Primary weapon: Flak shotgun that fires several explosive shells that do significant damage at a very short range of up to 200m and produces flak clouds that will prevent other explosive shells from penetrating them for a few seconds.
Secondary weapon: Grav-grenade launcher that fires a large round device that will roll around until detonated by a second right click resulting in any vehicles in a large radius being pushed back far from it's explosion, though taking no actual damage.
Special ability: Launches guided missile that the player takes direct control of. The vision of the missile will outline other player vehicles and/or structures. By pressing 'Space Bar' again the player can toggle through making only vehicles, only structures, or both of these types of objects glow their team color for greater visibility allowing for reconnaissance of bases and vehicle movement.